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Disclaimer: The information contained on this website or on behalf of SepFluor Limited (“SepFluor”) or its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors or consultants (“Information”) is provided to the recipients on the terms and conditions set out in this notice.

This website contains reference to certain intentions, expectations and plans of SepFluor. Those intentions, expectations and plans may or may not be achieved. They are based on certain assumptions which may not be met oron which views may differ. The performance and operations of SepFluor may be influenced by a number of factors, many of which are outside the control of SepFluor. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by SepFluor, its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers or consultants that any intentions, expectations or plans will be achieved either totally or partially or that any particular rate of return will be achieved. This website does not purport to contain all the information that any existing or prospective investor may require.

It is not intended to be a complete or accurate statement of material information. In all cases, before acting in reliance on any information, recipients should conduct their own investigation and analysis in relation to the business opportunity and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the Information and obtain independent and specific advice from appropriate professional advisers. Recipients should not treat the contents of this website as advice relating to legal, taxation or investment matters and should consult their own advisers. SepFluor, its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers and consultants take no responsibility for the contents of this website, and makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information.

SepFluor, its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers or consultants shall have no liability (including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for any statements, opinions, information or matters (express or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from this website, except liability under statute that cannot be excluded. If you reside in a jurisdiction which disallows you to participate in any capital-raising process or investment in SepFluor, you may not read or rely on this information or participate in any such activity or process.